I’ve been an egg manager for 1 year and have been helping in the barn for the past 14 years.
We are 3rd generation egg farmers.
My grandpa was an egg farmer and it got passed down to me.
Being an egg farmer means having the privilege to produce healthy, scrumptious, nutritious product for Albertans and Canadians to enjoy.
I really enjoy walking the birds and seeing them happy everyday.
We also grow on our own crops and custom pullet growing.
It makes me feel GREAT!!
When you pick up an egg carton at the grocery store, pause for a minute and think about the process of eggs. We start by sowing grain, then we harvest and take it to the feed mill, grind & mix it with numerous other ingredients then it gets transferred to the barn, eaten by the laying hens which produce eggs that we gather daily. Then the eggs get graded and transported to the grocery store shelf, where you get your egg cartons from. ENJOY!!
One of my favorite recipes is a Herbed Egg Salad Wrap.