This resource provides information and facts about all facets of the egg industry, challenges your knowledge about eggs and egg farming, and busts several common myths.
This resource provides information and facts about all facets of the egg industry, challenges your knowledge about eggs and egg farming, and busts several common myths.
This resource is an introduction to EFA and the role we play in Alberta’s egg industry. It details our 4 pillars – healthy birds, healthy eggs, healthy farms and healthy communities – as well as our on-farm programs and key initiatives.
This resource is your health and wellness guide to understanding and managing cholesterol.
This resource is an introduction on how you can include eggs into your fitness lifestyle to get the most out of your workouts.
This resource outlines the Canadian Food Guides recommendations and suggests that Canadians implement eggs into their daily meals as a smart food choice.
This resource discusses the latest most up-to-date research on the role of eggs in managing type 2 diabetes.
This resource provides information about the goodness of eggs when it comes to heart health and the most accurate research on eggs and cholesterol.
This resource provides information on the benefits of eggs for babies’ first food. It outlines recommendations for when to start and how to introduce eggs as one of the first solid food options.
Egg themed activity sheets include puzzles, experiments, crafts and jokes to both teach and entertain children.
Preschool and Kindergarten
Egg themed activity sheets include puzzles, experiments, crafts and jokes to both teach and entertain students.
Grades 1 to 3
Egg themed activity sheets include puzzles, experiments, crafts and jokes to both teach and entertain students.
Grades 4 to 6
Follow the journey of the egg from farm to fork in this kid-friendly activity book!