Coconut Egg Curry

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3 tbsp canola oil
1/2 tsp nigella seeds
1 sprig curry leaves
1 cup finely diced onion
1 1/4 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp garlic paste
3/4 tsp salt
1 1/4 tsp red chili powder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 cup water
1 can full-fat coconut milk
4 egg hard-boiled, or 6 eggs if desired
Optional garnishes: drizzle of coconut milk, chopped cilantro, sliced green chilies
Nutritional Facts
Amount Per Serving
436 Calories
40 g
Saturated fat
22 g
580 mg
6 g
10 g


  1. Heat the oil in a sauté pan on medium-high heat. Once it shimmers, add the nigella seeds and curry leaves. They will sizzle when they hit the oil.

  2. Add the onion. Sauté, stirring occasionally, until the edges turn golden.

  3. Add the ginger and garlic pastes. Sauté for 30 to 45 seconds or until the pastes lose their ‘raw’ smell.

  4. Lower the heat to medium. Add the salt, red chili powder and turmeric. Sauté for 30 seconds, then add a splash of water to ensure the spices don’t burn.

  5. Bring the curry to a boil. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

  6. Add the coconut milk and eggs and bring to a boil. Taste and adjust the seasonings as desired.

  7. Garnish with a small drizzle of additional coconut milk, and chopped cilantro, curry leaves, and sliced green chilies.


  • For a smoother curry, run the curry base through an immersion blender before adding the coconut milk and eggs.