Preheat oven to 250°F (120°C).  Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
Beat egg whites on high speed with cream of tartar and salt until foamy. Beat in sugar by tablespoon until stiff glossy peaks form. Beat in mint extract.
Fit pastry bag with 1/4–inch (1 cm) plain tip. Using a brush, paint inside of pastry bag with red food colouring stripes. Fill pastry bag with meringue mixture.
Pipe 2 inch (5 cm) meringues onto prepared sheets. Bake for 1 1/2 hours. Turn off oven and let stand in oven for 30 minutes.
Remove from oven and let cool.
Dip bottom of meringues in melted chocolate. Shake to remove excess chocolate. Place back on baking sheets. Refrigerate until set, about 15 minutes.