Busting Myths in May

Myths have been around for centuries and even date back to when humans first started writing. Though we don’t know the exact time period of when egg myths came about, we are here to set the record straight. Here are the top 3 myths surrounding egg nutrition and production:

  1. Hens are fed hormones and steroids.

If you have ever seen restaurant commercials or egg cartons with claims about their eggs being free of added hormones and steroids, they are not wrong; however, this one-sided fact causes people to assume that the rest of the egg industry uses hormones and steroids in the production of eggs. The fact is that ALL Canadian eggs do not contain added hormones or steroids and is even illegal in Canada for several decades now

  1. Brown eggs are healthier than white eggs.

A standard white egg has the exact same nutritional content as a standard brown egg, in which both contain 70 calories and 6g of protein as well as the same vitamins and minerals. In fact, the breed of the hen determines the color of the shell, so hens with brown feathers lay brown eggs, and hens with white feathers lay white eggs. Remember that the only factor that can impact the nutritional content of an egg is the hen’s feed as well as what they eat while out on a range.

  1. Limit egg consumption if you are concerned about cholesterol.

A healthy individual consuming an egg or (two) a day is okay, as research suggests that dietary cholesterol found in eggs has little impact on blood cholesterol in most people. The American Heart Association recommends an egg per day is a heart-healthy part of your diet.

There you have it, the top 3 myths we often hear about in our industry… DEBUNKED! We hope you are feeling eggucated and even inspired to learn more egg facts, check out our website for more: